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What You Porn is What You Are

They say that you are what you eat, so does this also mean you are what you porn? In today’s open media society, the Internet has allowed us all to easily produce our own homemade adult content, but how does this affect the way you think about yourself? How does it define you?

Porn Movies made by amateurs like yourself have become widely traded on sites like You Porn.com, and what many couples (or ex-couples) fail to recognize when they make these flicks, is that once they’re uploaded to the web, they are there forever, and can even come back to haunt you. Porn videos also must be produced in accordance with strict government guidelines, such as the provision that you must retain the records that verify the adult status us any performers as well as have permission for them to appear in your movie with you.

Porn movies produced by amateurs and posted on the Internet have largely gone unregulated by authorities as it is difficult to police the origin of all postings from the Internet, but rest assured that the authorities are aware of this issue and are watching you. Porno has always been a sensitive subject for ideological political and religious groups, and as long as they make up major voting constituencies of this country, you’re going have to watch what you porn.

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