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The True Benefit of High-Speed Internet: Porn Pay Per View

For anyone still living in the dark age of dial-up connections- like when most of us were still confused as to what was meant by ‘www’- porn pay per view has dramatically changed my life in two important ways. I believe it is one of life’s great achievements and I want to motivate you to join the twenty-first century, get you into online pay per view porn by first getting online. Pay per view porn is like having the convenience of watching any adult video you want in the privacy of your own home without having to pay a ton of money for the DVD or having to sign up for costly monthly services that only get used a few times- just like when you stay in a nice hotel with adult movie services that are charged to your room priced according to ‘pay per view’.

Porn sites, when I was a kid, were essentially picture libraries or fuzzy low-resolution videos that took all night to download before you could watch. I remember the days of watching images loading in agonizing anticipation as chunks of the graphic slowly filled in the blank vacancy on my monitor. And while I appreciate the ability to access my email a little bit faster with my new high-speed cable-modem, I must admit that the most dramatic impact it’s had on my life has been the ease and efficiency that I can watch porn pay per view through this new Internet connection. Porn pay perview gives me access to an unlimited number of titles (sites like Pornppv.net have massive libraries of millions of videos), and I can easily find the titles I want by using the search function or simply browsing from over 140 genres of porn.

Pay per view sites also let you rent titles for a number of days so you can watch it again and again before moving on to another fresh title, or if you really love it, you can download it to own. Many of these pay per view porn sites even have affiliate programs that let you make money if you think you can set up a website and get your buddies to buy porn from you. Buy a domain (example: hotsislovesme.com): sign up for their affiliate program and set up your website according to their instructions. Sis Loves Me is popular porn website in US, the movies are high quality, HD and exclusive and the models are hot. The step-sex fantasy is played out well too. Now you can make a fortune (like I did) selling porn pay perview services online.

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