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Wrestling Promoters to Produce Hot Porn Videos

Once a thriving industry with oodles of opportunities for small time players, the sports entertainment industry popularly known as professional wrestling has somewhat dwindled due to the World Wrestling Entertainment Inc.’s near monopolization of the business in 2001.

By buying out their top competitor, the WWE has become a monster promotion that many wrestling enthusiasts believe to be the death knell of the industry in the long run. With several small promotions and territories folding up due to their inability to keep up with the WWE, many promoters are now turning to what they consider to be the best alternative which is hot porn videos.

“Wrestling still thrives is Japan and Europe, but here in the States small promotions don’t really stand a chance.” That was the grim statement from long time independent wrestler Buck Norris. Norris has been in almost every small time wrestling promotion in the country, but the spotlight of the big time has eluded him.

“If you really get down to it, porn and wrestling are two very similar fields. It’s entertainment, to very different forms of it, but the discipline required to pull it off and the main thrust, so to speak, are quite the same.”

Norris then explains why any average skilled pro wrestler can do well in a porn movie. He claimed that factors like physical conditioning, ring psychology, work rate, selling (the ability of making a fake move, even fake punches, look painful), and all the other criteria for ring excellence would translate easily in the porn arena.

Several wrestling promoters have started to experiment producing their own porn videos. “The production quality that small promotions can whip up is at most at par with porn video” said retired wrestler and co-promoter of the backyard wrestling promotion IICW (Incredibly Insane Championship Wrestling), Floyd “Dr. Decapitation” Williams.

“With half of the resources we use to put up a single show, we could produce two or three porn videos of decent quality. We have performers who are willing to lay their body on the line for us. At least now, they wouldn’t be facing the same dangers as they do in the ring. Also, the many wrestling fans are also avid porn viewers, so there’s a lock in the audience. Remember that wrestling fans are extremely loyal. The sex tape between Chynna and X-pac, gross as it is, wouldn’t even have seen the light of day if they weren’t wrestling personalities.”

Maybe the sport entertainment industry’s loss would ultimately be the porn industry’s gain.

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