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Watch Porn Movies And Do Better In The Office!

In a recent study conducted by research psychologists in Boston, MA, doctors tested productivity, efficiency and alertness of forty males aged 20 to 54 years old (divided into three age groups) after making them watch porn movies. They have concluded that amongst adult males, being able to watch porn movies enhances ones skills at work.

Ninety four to eighty five percent scored higher with analysis-, speed- and creativity-driven tasks. The researchers have also substantiated these findings with physiological tests on subjects while they are made to watch porn movies. It hasn’t been determined whether the same effect will happen to women.

Dr. Jason Hart, PhD, department head of Media Studies at the American Institute Of Human Psychology Research has exhaustively been examining the effects of pornography since the institute opened in 1978. As one of the leading proponents of studying the psychological effects of media to the society, Hart explains that pornography not only stimulates the baser side of the human brain but the more complex and largely unknown workings of the right hemisphere. The image of sex while one gets to watch porn movies seems to trigger electric responses.

Hart says that they will conduct more tests and get more subjects to watch porn movies.

The intelligence quotient of the subjects have also been determined and have been considered as a working variable.

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