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Doctors Recommend Video Sex As Safe Sex

While sexually transmitted diseases are not a dominant in the news as they used to be, scientists and doctors are still diligently working on a way to lessen its spreading, especially on the still growing AIDS epidemic. It has come to a point that many medical professionals have suggested the strict practice of only engaging in video sex to not only avoid STDs, but also to negate any possibility of unwanted pregnancies. Dr. Kyle Lomax of the medical institute of Des Moines strongly agrees with this medical urgency.

“Having sex through the webcam or over a similar electronic medium is perhaps the best way of having safe sex. Indeed, the absolute lack of physical contact diminishes any possibility of any complications, health or otherwise.” An avid practitioner of online sex himself, Lomax testifies that his sexual interactions have helped him remain satisfied without going through the traditional worries of pregnancy and diseases. “It’s true, having sex with an actual person is perhaps a million times better than pleasuring yourself while watching another human being pleasure him or herself at a distance, but I’ve managed to come to terms with the limitations of the act and have come to enjoy it. After all, real sex may be good, but all those lingering worries the morning after just ruin the experience for me.”

This recent movement has been put through some scientific research, and the results have been surprising. According to research, 82% of the people whose only sexual activity involves a webcam or something similar experience far less anxiety and has a smaller percentage of having high blood pressure. These people also become more knowledgeable of technical matters and become a lot less inhibited. Lomax explains the correlations. “Less anxiety means less worries. And less worries result to a stable blood pressure. Also people who engage only in webcam or video sex become more handy in using computers, as they are bound to spend more time in front of them and would have to troubleshoot their systems on occasion. And there’s nothing more liberating than exposing yourself in front of a camera that transmits the image of your naked body all over the World Wide Web. An act like that can only boost one’s self confidence.”

The scientific community is all in agreement, and has been promoting the act of video sex. In fact, they have chosen to lead by example and most likely engaged in some freaky webcam sex as these words are being written.

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