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Shemale Porn Set Into Music And Glam

One of the things people are constantly talking about these days is the highly popular television show “Glee”. With their entertaining renditions of several pop songs, its not difficult to figure out why. However, people from the shemale porn community are not going to let a bunch of High School Musical rejects steal their thunder. A musical is in the works for everyone’s favorite shemale porn actors, and it promises to be as mind blowing as any other musical ever made. Perhaps even more considering the amount of talent rumored to be involved in the project.

Of course, all the songs will be altered to suit the taste of the loyal porn fans, and the producers promise that they will not sacrifice the quality of the sex scenes in favor of the elaborate musical numbers. Tentatively titled “Tits, Bangers and Mash”, the project has been receiving a lot of favorable comments within the industry. Porn critic Larry Orlane had nothing but good things to say. “What they’re doing is nothing but admirable. A musical shemale porn movie is something that this industry needs to keep with the other forms of entertainment out there that are definitely stealing away some of the attention that should rightfully be devoted to porn. And if there’s anyone who can pull this off, it’s these awesome shemales.”

The movie also promises that some of their favorite shemale related songs will be used to get the audience truly into the spirit of things. From Aerosmith’s “Dude Looks Like a Lady” to a lady-less rendition of “Lady Marmalade”, the movie hopes to be at par with several gay related musicals, like “Rent”.

The critic continues with his premature assessment. “I truly believe that this will be the best thing in porn since the award winning ‘Pirates’. It is the porn event of the year, at the very least. I definitely will be among the first to pick it up once it’s out.”

“Tits, Bangers and Mash” will be set in an imaginary world wherein people can only have orgasms if they have sex while singing out loud. Contrived as the plot may be, many people are interested to see how a shemale sex scene would look while the stars that are doing the sex scene are simultaneously singing and dancing. With the current slant towards the musical genre, “Tits, Bangers and Mash” is definitely a can’t lose revolutionary project.

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