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Viewing Of Shemale Porn Makes Man Go Nuts

The peace and tranquility of a small household in Montana was disturbed by the blood curdling screams of 25 year old John Benitez after opening a seemingly innocent email. Benitez received an email as a prank from a co-worker, and when he opened it, he was subject to hundreds of pictures and videos popped up featuring shemale porn.

Apparently Benitez had a very unfortunate incident involving a transvestite during his youth. As a high school student, Benitez was deeply involved with an online relationship with an individual he thought to be female. After traveling several miles to meet up with the said online lover, things got heavy and after disrobing, Benitez discovered that his lover possessed the same genitalia as he. This incident left Benitez emotionally and mentally scarred.

The said email caused several the traumatic experiences to rush back. Benitez snapped, and when he missed work the following day, several of his office friends dropped by to check on him. He was found in one corner of his apartment in the fetal position, in tears and whispering random pleas.

“I didn’t know about what went down with him and the tranny” said the repentant co-worker who had sent the email. “I just sent it to him for kicks, you know, to get a few laughs. We always needled him about that sort of thing. I just didn’t know… I’m really sorry.”

Benitez is now admitted into the Benjamin Center for the Mentally Ill, where he is seen to by one of the field’s leading experts on treating psychological trauma, Dr. Rey Ryans. The doctor is very optimistic about his patient’s condition. “While John is now at the worst of it, I am very confident that this would be the worst of it. He’s been through a lot, but he has responded positively to therapy and counseling. What John needs now is the sustained support of his family and friends.”

John’s fiancé, Sheila Brady in particular is taking it hard. There are arising fears as to how John would be able to handle a romantic relationship after the experience. Dr. Ryans assures her that there would not be any difficulty transitioning back into normal life. “The important thing is for the couple to treat this as just one of the many obstacles they need to surpass. John needs the love of his life now more than ever.”

A fund raiser is now being organized by Benitez’s friends and family to hlp him through this ordeal.

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