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Pre Pay Porn Services Help You Keep a Stiff Porn Budget

Due to the inherent content driven nature of adult media sites, the pre pay porn model seems to have emerged as a standard for both subscription and pay per view/pay per download business models. Given the choice of how to pre pay porn sites for their services, you should asses your adult viewing habits before committing to any particular site, and be aware of the options for how you prepay for porn.

You basically facing three options: you can prepay porn sites on a subscription basis, or per download, or pay by the minute. Subscription sites give you unlimited access to their library of porn titles for a given period; often automatically re-billing you forever until you notice your credit card statement has $40 payments going out to ‘Big Guns Media” or some other unrecognized recipient: and worst of all- you authorized it in your Terms of Service Contract (remember that little box you checked when you signed up?). Despite all that’s touted on traditional subscription based adult sites about their massive video libraries and ‘unlimited download’ propositions, the realities of even just your broadband connection make their offering limited in real world applicability.

If you run the numbers, you’re much better off to pre pay porn sites on a per-minute basis calculated based on how much time you actually spend watching the porn itself (not the time you spend browsing and then downloading what you really just want to watch in the first place). When you’re ready to stop jerkin’ around, and wanna start jerkin’ off: check out a site that lets you prepay porn minutes (or hours) and enjoy porn on your time at a fraction of the cost of other services, without the risk of having your credit card pinched every month for the rest of eternity.

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