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Pay Per Click Porn Saved My Credit

I used to be so addicted to porn that I passed out my credit card routinely all over the ‘Net, forgetting to turn off my hundreds of subscriptions to adult pay sites and even exposing myself to credit fraud weren’t enough to make me change my ways; it was when I was turned down for a simple car loan that I realized I needed to find something new to satisfy my porn cravings, and pay per click porn came to my rescue. Like a white knight, or maybe maiden, riding in from the distance in my darkest hour, pay per click porn gave me an easy way to manage my porn expenses, without limiting my porn consumption, by giving me the option to pay for the porn scenes that I clicked, and not requiring me to register my credit card and give them access to freely bill me for eternity.

At just 8 cents per minute, I realized that I could fill all the hours and hours of time I dedicate to jerking off, without having to sign up for hundreds of subscription sites that keep billing me every month even though I never went back to watch their stupid canned content even for a second time. Of course, the credit card companies don’t care about this devious practice, but who really reads the ‘Terms of Service’ anyway. I just wanna strum my manjo, clean up, and pass out on my couch- I really don’t want to have to log back into my account with jizz all over my fingers and cancel my subscription, which usually requires a confirmation link to my email and sometime even an annoying questionnaire as to why I wanted to close down my account.

To make a long story short, pay per click porn gave me a limited means of extending my credit without asking me to put myself in position of having my credit cards fucked like a cheap whore in a crappy reality based subscription site.

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