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When It Comes to Porn, Pay For View is a Better Way to Watch

There are a few basic methods to watching porn; ‘pay for view’ models seem to work best for me, and I think if you really look at your own porn viewing habits, you’ll agree that your time and money is best spent on adult media services that give you exactly what you pay for, rather than loading up on promises only to renege any responsibility to delivering a fulfilling experience to the customer once payment is submitted and collected.

Think about it, when you pay for services like a car wash, or eating at a restaurant, do you pay for the service before it’s been delivered to you? Of course not- you’d send the food back if it wasn’t cooked properly, and you certainly wouldn’t pay for a car wash if it turned out they didn’t really clean your car. You can’t really tell how much porn is truly at your disposal until you can test out the download speeds and browse through their libraries of movies: which requires you to pay hard cash before you can even see what you’re getting into. So why would you pay $40 up front to join a subscription adult movie site when you don’t even know how much or how good the content will be until you’ve already committed to a hefty non-refundable fee.

Porn Pay FOR View services give you access to all the titles in advance of signing up for their services, and you don’t even pay unless you’re actually watching the content itself- no charges for download times and you’re not limited by any bandwidth issues, since most of these porn pay for view services incorporate advanced streaming methods that give most users immediate access to the content without having to download entire movies onto your computer. When it comes down to dollars and cents, it just makes plain sense to go with a payment model that gives you exactly what you pay for.

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