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Don’t Have a Credit Card but Want Online Porn; Pay by Debit Gets You In

With America’s credit crunch tightening many of our credit lines, some of you might be interested in knowing about a service that instead of using your credit card to pay for porn; pay by debit card instead. This is a good way to get around the fact that you need a tool to pay for these services online even if your credit cards have hit the fritz. Using your ATM card instead of your credit cards is a great solution that will keep your in tune with the latest developments in adult online porn.

Pay by debit services also help those who want to watch online porn but don’t have a credit card for other reasons; such as they don’t have a social security number in order to retain a credit card in the fist place, or they simply don’t want to get caught up in the costly payment cycles of heavy interest rates. Some just don’t want the security risk of having the chance that a high debt load could be charged to their accounts in the event of security fraud with a credit card, as having a designated debit card to use exclusively online allows users to limit the amount of potential loss to the small amount of money kept on the debit card account.

Of course, online adult media companies are always on the cutting edge of new technologies, and many have developed a number of ways to remit payment for their porn. Pay by debit, pay by check, even pay by direct deposit, Western Union, or by cell phone. These are all innovative ways the adult industry has reached out the every demographic of potential customer in order to ensure equal access to porn, even when credit companies impose restrictions that otherwise would keep a lot of us unfairly left out of the wonderful world of online adult media.

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