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Task Force of Porn Models To Deal With Porn Crimes

Justice is best served cold by people who just happen to be hot. A renegade task force of crime fighters have assembled to fight the porn crimes that plague the industry. Composed exclusively of porn models, this unit is created to fight all those that threaten the peace and the noble craft of adult filmaking. The team is comprised of seven porn stars who each have a special skill to contribute in the fight against porn crime.

Many people would wonder what sort of crime happens within the supposedly happy go lucky porn set. What people fail to realize is that like the rest of the world, the porn set is abundant with dangers and suspicious characters. There are peeping toms that are always lurking around to invade the privacy of our porn stars. There are people who wish to steal bootlegs for a quick buck. And then there are perverts who steal used panties and other used porn set paraphernalia.

While the identities of these crime fighters remain secret for the safety of their loved ones, they have made it public that they will not show any remorse when apprehending and stopping felons. “There was a time when I would feel uncomfortable whenever I’m in a porn set” said porn star Tina Jizzguzzlerwitz. “I used to always be a nervous wreck whenever I walk in a porn set because of the knowledge that there troublemakers who are looking to take advantage. But when I heard of these vigilantes, no, when I heard of these heroes, I now come to work with confidence.”

The normal M.O. for these crime fighters is to catch their bad guy, tie him or her up and leave the criminal with a ball gag in the mouth and a strap on up the ass for all the world to see. This has been their calling card ever since catching their first criminal, the pervert named Trevor Von Hooverstamp. Hooverstamp claims he cannot identify his assailants. His eyes were fixed on their huge boobs and hanging dicks. It was learned that Von Hooverstamp was caught sneaking in at a closed shoot.

“And I would have gotten away too, if it wasn’’t for those meddling porn stars!”

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