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Why I Prefer Pay Per View Porn Movies

I really can’t tell you what a lifesaver pay per view porn movies have been to my life. You see, I am a jerkaholic- I masturbate obsessively and compulsively and seem to have an insatiable appetite for porn. Like most online jerkaholics, I have spent hundreds of hours of my life waiting for x-rated content to download from the Internet: boner in hand, eyes glued to the frozen image of a slutty pornstar with a cock jammed in her cheek waiting for the next load of data to buffer and load into my media player. But thankfully, with the development of high speed internet connections and amazing streaming technologies provided by various companies offering pay per view porn movies, I can watch literally thousands of movies from porn pay per view a week from the comfort of my own home.

Can you imagine how many DVDs I’d have to order to get that many adult movies? From porn pay per view sites, I can watch parts from as many movies as I want (or watch the whole thing), and don’t have to worry about storing or hiding the videos once I’m done with them. Now I am able to sit down at my computer with a bottle of Jergen’s, watch a few scenes from a pay per view porn movie, take care of my business, and get on with my day. It used to take me hours just to find something to stroke to!

If you’re a jerkaholic like me, I strongly urge you to go out and, if you don’t already have one, get a decent high-speed Internet connection and sign up for a pay per view porn movie account that will simply debit your credit card a small fee based only on the actual time you spend watching a porn movie: which is a cheap, efficient, and sexually gratifying way to spend your time and money on porn.

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