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Why I Used to Love Pay Per Movie Porn

When I was a kid, I used to love pay per movie porn; for one, because the Internet had barely been invented yet, and two, because I could stash it under my bed where my parents couldn’t find it (or so I thought at the time).

Even as the Internet slowly improved in terms of download speeds and streaming video technologies, DVDs came along, and so my small porn collection of VHS movies was cast into obscurity and replaced by snazzy little discs that could be stacked by the pile and hidden alongside my vast CD music collection. I was still set on the pay per movie porn model, mainly because it was a familiar throwback to my VHS collection, but a big part of it was having to use the family computer, which made me a little nervous about looking up porn sites.

It wasn’t until I moved to college, and my own computer, and had my very first truly high-speed Internet connection, that I realized how prehistoric the pay per movie porn model really was. Once my first college girlfriend stumbled upon my stack of porn DVDs and flipped out on me (well, she made me throw them away), I was resigned to getting my porn the modern way – through the Internet, and to this day, it is the only thing I have to be grateful of from that relationship.

Once I started downloading porn from the Internet, and ultimately just streamed it to my computer, I gained a sense of freedom from having to hold onto porn as an earthly possession, and with completely server-side media clients, I don’t even have to keep my favorite porn files on my own computer, which means my hands are clean no matter who roots through my stuff- which makes me a lot more comfortable in terms of searching out my deep kinkiest fetishes.

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