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Why Download: Porn Pay Per View is Faster, Better, and Cheaper

If you pay per download, porn pay can be very expensive, since you’re paying for the license to own the content, and can watch it as many times as you like, and can even back it up in multiple formats at your desire. Most traditional adult content websites sell subscriptions for a specified period of time, during which customers can download as much content as fast as their Internet connections will allow them to download. Porn pay per view sites, on the other hand, give customers a special application that allows them to watch porn at a more relaxed pace, without having to worry about subscription deadlines or automatic rebilling.

When you pay to download porn, you also take up valuable system space on your computer, or have to otherwise backup the data on a hard drive or DVD-R. In most cases, you will completely forget about the archived porn until your girlfriend discovers it years after the last time you watched it, causing relationship drama that could be completely avoided if you had just signed up for pay per view porn.

Download porn at your own risk too: much of this pay per download porn can contain viruses and malware that can add up to significant downtime and repair costs that can be much more expensive than the original download. Porn pay per view models are a great way to save money and get only the content that you will really enjoy, and only at the time when it is convenient for you to view. Of course, if you find something you really like, sites like PornPPV.net offer customers both download porn pay methods as well as pay per view porn. Download what you like after you preview it in pay per view; that’s a winning combination for any porn collector.

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