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Pay Per Minute Porn Movies Are A True Money Saver!

Living in a world where the global economy seemingly hangs on just by a thread, everyone is trying their best to save every penny they can. Even the fans of hardcore pornography are always on the look out for high quality adult entertainment without having as huge of a toll taken on these loyal audiences’ wallets. Our senior porn economics analyst Roger Von Bukes urges fans to enjoy the benefits of pay per minute porn movies.

Like the name suggests, pay per porn minute porn movies are a staple promo in most of the top porn websites on the Web today, charging viewers only for the actual minutes that the porn videos was being streamed. Von Bukes, this is the best way to enjoy porn without having the hassle of spending too much and regretting it later. Von Bukes main rationale for this is simple, he claims that the human biology ensures that his suggested course of action does save people money.

How? Why? It’s simple and pretty darn obvious. If an average man gets charged only for the actual amount of time he spends watching the porn video, and if it’s done so by the minute, then it would definitely be the most economical way the average man can watch porn. After all, the average man only watches porn to jerk off, and the average man ejaculates at around two to three minutes. That’s even less time spent than listening to your average song!

Complete satisfaction in just under three minutes. That is the power of masturbation and the driving force behind the success of these pay per minute movies. Von Bukes is so confident on this theory that he even experimented with it. He took two average guys who do not know each other and set them up in two different apartments in one building. Each man was given free internet porn memberships, one was signed up with one of those pay per minute programs, while the other as giving an important. After the two month mark both guys were asked for a very honest statement. Their statements were later corroborated with other data that was accumulated from each man’s respective computer, and yes, indeed, both men watched the same amount of porn. It’s just that one man paid for it in full while the other paid only for the good parts.

Von Bukes is pursuing further study, but is already urging people to save on porn.

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