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Mental Institutions Use Adult Porn Sites To Sedate Patients

There are many mental institutions in the Midwest area that have accepted the therapeutic benefits of adult porn sites. It has been discovered that such websites can be an affected way to keep patients in check especially during difficult outbursts. The said sites has been cited to produce a calming effect that’s more immediate and in many cases more effective than traditional sedation.

The discovery began when in a patient in one of the mental institutions that suffers from chronic depression attempted to steal a bottle of sleeping pills in the pharmacy when he stopped and stared at a computer monitor until he was found by security. It was later reported that a reckless nurse left the monitor on while viewing adult sites. The nurse stepped out for just a few moments to use the bathroom, not expecting a patient would break in. The orderlies that caught the patient all confirm that the patient was in a state of complete docility and was just deeply immersed in the images on the site.

Initially thinking that the effect was just due to sexual deprivation, doctors scoffed at the notion of porn to be actually helpful. However, during a mess hall incident involving several patients breaking into a near riot when the same nurse took out his laptop and almost immediately the patients stopped. Since then, the nurses would employ the same approach unbeknownst to the doctors. When the doctors did find out, they started to consider the possibilities of using a porn site when the usual medications fail or is hard to obtain.

One doctor who had requested anonymity has begun conducting research regarding the subject. The doctor has been trying to use porn sites on test subjects of diverse demographics. “The effect varies, of course, but not in the way one would expect. It doesn’t matter if it’s male or female, and the reaction most of the time is not even sexual. Of course, there was that one guy who pleasured himself three consecutive times. To a lot of the rest, though, it starts with an initial shock, then it evolves into a deep fascination.”

While there has yet to be anything conclusive to be yielded from the tests, the doctor is now putting together enough material to launch a formal academic study on the matter. “If all hypotheses are correct, we might be on the doorstep of a major discovery that wou;d change the face of mental health forever.”

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