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Man Gone Crazy Over Porn Categories

Harry Borelane considers himself a very organized man. After working several years in a small cubicle doing paperwork no one has ever dreamed of doing, Borlain has developed a knack for organization. He is vilified though, and at times lauded, for the level of effort he puts out just so things are always in order. Even the interior of his house is arranged in a way that everything is in its proper place. Borelane’s organized world, however, was rocked to its very foundation the moment he was assigned to do porn categories.

One of the lines of business of the company that Borelane works for sells porn DVD. With a bunch of holiday orders coming in, the supervisor assigned Borelane to put in overtime for the weekend to categorize every video per niche, and alphabetically. He was also requested to do a cross reference regarding titles and stars among other things. The work was tedious, unfulfilling, and extremely boring. In other words, it was the sort of thing that Harry Borelane is born to do. Borelane, unmarried and essentially friendless, was happy to have something to do over the weekend for a change.

Borelane’s obsessive compulsive tendencies were challenged when he discovered the number of categories the porn genre actually had. It was something that he had never dreamed of in his entire life. He never was a big fan of the porn medium, and Borelane has to take a moment to fully take in what exactly it was he had signed up for.

Saturday morning, he started. Alone in the office, Borlane was free to use the entire office space to his advantage. He paced when needed. He even laid out elaborate charts and graphs and lists on all the bulletin boards. He tried listening to pretentious trance music he had picked up a few months prior in a failed attempt to get with a raver chick that he had met during one of his lonely long lunches. Borelane was determined to finish the job, even if it was the last thing he ever did.

And it turned out, it was indeed the last thing he did. Borlane’s body was discovered Monday morning with a lengthy suicide note neatly typed up and placed on his supervisor’s desk. He had failed to categorize the porn videos in a thorough manner, and he had felt that he was a failure at the one thing he knew well. He had slashed his wrists and covered his wounds in plastic. Harry Borlane neatly bled to death in his tiny cubicle.

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