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Man Attempts To Watch All You Porn Videos

In a classic case of having too much guts and too little brains, a man in Edmonton discovers that the human mind truly is fragile. After being dared by his friends to watch all the videos posted on popular porn streaming site you porn in a row, this ordinary man from Edmonton suffered serious mental damage. As most are aware, the aforementioned site is an extremely popular video streaming site that features exclusively pornographic movies. A parody of the popular mainstream site you tube, you porn boasts a library of porn containing thousands of hours of video footage.

The dare that made the man from Edmonton go through the current ordeal he’s facing was born out of a debate as to whether or not there is a limit on how much porn a person could watch. The man from Edmonton, reported to have severe issues regarding his sexuality, was standing up for the misconception that masculinity is defined by sexual appetite, and was pushing his point that a real man can watch never watch too much porn. The man, whose blatant chauvinistic and absent minded ways have rubbed every single friend he has the wrong way at some point or another, was then dared to prove his statement.

He then boldly stated that he will prove it in any way that would silence what he viewed as overly critical friends challenging his manhood. He was then dared to watch every single video on you porn, a challenge he gladly accepted. According to initial statements, the man was enjoying the dare for the best of three days, and then he started to crack. He has been reported making odd phone calls to random people, ranting and raving about the ugliness of society as a whole. He has stopped eating, informing his friends through text messaging that everything he ingested felt like he was swallowing semen. He drank less and less amounts of water and other fluids, and has totally neglected sleep.

One of his closer friends started to worry, and visited him at his home. He witnessed a site he would never forget. The man from Edmonton was naked and wrapped only in what used to be his curtains. The you porn videos were still blaring from his computer. He was writing the words “never too much porn” with his own feces on the walls of his nearly empty apartment. He was then turned over to a mental institution.

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