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Lovers Brought Together by Adult Sex Videos

Despite what the movies might imply, not all romances are like those Meg Ryan movies, where things start out with exchanges of witty banter and then before you know it… wedding bells. Meet Michael and Rachel, two lovers brought together by fate and their common love for adult sex videos.

The romance started out in college. They did not know each other then, nor did they have any points of tangency when it came to their respective circle of friends. The only thing they had in common was a small video shop where both frequently rented movies. Both had been very loyal customers of the said video store for years, but their paths had not crossed until one Sunday morning. Both were recovering from a hangover from two different parties and they needed the sobering effects that only porn can bring. They both waited outside the closed doors of the store, pointedly ignoring each other. The clerk from the video store had a reputation for being late, and neither of the two seemed to be bothered nor surprised when he showed up forty minutes later with an arrogant smirk.

The two would be lovers did the usual song and dance most people renting porn do. They wandered around the video store for a few minutes, looking at random videos trying their best to pretend to be interested in anything but porn. After circling the store a couple of times, they ended up in the adult video aisle. Unbeknowst to each other, both their eyes were fixed on a single video on the rack, a Star trek inspired BDSM video. Both reached for the video, and like any cheesy romantic comedy movie, they picked the single video at the same time. Their eyes locked, and the rest was history.

After a few years of dating, they have decided to get married and now, by January of 2010, they’ll be opening up their own adult video shop. Rachel claims she’s the happiest woman on Earth. “It’s really great to find someone who shares a particular interest with you, enough so to actually pursue it as a source of livelihood. Don’t get me wrong, our relationship does not revolve around porn, but it did bring us together in some weird way. Kinda sweet.”

Michael concurs. “I think our relationship blossomed because of that first meeting. I mean, after a girl catches you renting porn and doesn’t mind, it kinda negates a lot of the awkward stuff normal couples have to go through. “

The two still watch the same porn video every anniversary.

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