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If You’re Into Interracial Porn, Pay Per View Gives You More of What You Want

When it comes to interracial porn, pay per view sites that let you choose the content you want to watch ahead of time, and pay on an ‘a-la-carte’ program, give you the most variety and highest quality viewing experience dollar for dollar. I used to look for this stuff on what were presented as “Free Sites”, but ended up with so many unwanted viruses and spyware programs on my computer that what appeared to be ‘Free’, really ended up costing me hundreds of dollars in computer repairs and downtime from work (I telecommute and my computer is my life).

Then I tried subscription sites that promised access to tens of sites all for one low subscription price of $40 a month. The problem was, once I was registered and my credit card was charged, I found that most of the sites included in the package were actually just repackaging the same content under different titles, and the downloads were so slow that I had already blown my load before I even got access to the videos I wanted to watch. So I ended up signing up for more sites to satiate my needs for fresh interracial porn: pay for enough of these sites, and you can quickly amass a monthly credit card bill in the hundreds of dollars a month, and it seems even more ridiculous when you consider how little time you’re actually spending looking AT porn compared to how much time you spend looking FOR porn!

I finally discovered a way to watch affordable interracial porn; pay ahead of time and only get billed for what you actually watch. Did you know you can get 1000 minutes of actual porn video for less than the cost of 3 full length adult DVDs? At just $85 per thousand minutes at sites such as PornPPV.net, you get access to an unparalleled assortment of hardcore mixed race porn, and you can take your time browsing through thousands of title of interracial porn, pay only for what you watch, and then move on to finding another selection. Best of all, the downloads are streaming, which means you’re not sitting there with a boner waiting for videos to download all day, and without exposing yourself to unsafe viruses.

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