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Why Pay for Porn? THIS is Why.

With all you’ve heard about all the ‘”free” porn on the Internet, you’ve probably asked yourself, “Why pay for porn when I can just download it for free off sites like YouPorn and BitTorrent?”

Well, the answers are numerous, but there is more to it than just saving hours having to download free videos and then fix your computer after the viruses and spyware embedded in the media files fry your hard drive. What you don’t know about ‘free’ porn, could cost you thousands of dollars in fines or worse- so it’s worth finding out how to pay for porn that will satisfy your personal fantasies within a budget that reflects your porn watching needs.

Sites like PornPPV.net allow you to watch as much porn as you want, just like other traditional porn websites, but also let you pay for as little as just 15 minutes of porn at a time- and you can even section that out into a couple sessions of self pleasure. With flexible plans that give you the option of downloading to own, rent, or just stream content to your computer, these sites let you control both when you pay for porn and how.

To pay for porn also could keep you out of trouble with local authorities on a number of accounts and here’s why: pay-for-porn websites are for-profit businesses that stand a lot to loose if the content within their sites is found to violate any state or federal obscenity laws. If you download media content that contains illegal scenes, such as underage actors or obscene content, you could be liable for thousands of dollars in fines, imprisonment, and listing on the national sex offenders list. File sharing websites and services have little control over the content itself that is shown on their sites, and therefore offer no protection to their viewers regarding the legality of the content itself.

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