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Hot Porn Videos Get Man Into Trouble

After the grisly events of last weekend, Howard now believes that hot porn videos are very hazardous to his health. Currently, Howard lies in a hospital bed, with a cast around his pelvis, wondering if his life would ever be the same again.

It started out as a normal Saturday morning for the 25 year old Michigan resident. He woke up, had coffee and read the paper. It was about as perfect as perfect as could be. Everything was going alright until his phone rang. It was his friend, inviting him to a party for that night, promising Howard that he’ll be introduced to a very comely female. With several hours to prepare, it dawned on the rather lonely guy that the possibility of him getting laid that night was rather high. This thought made Howard nervous. He felt totally unprepared in the likelihood of any sexual activities that would take place.

Howard decided to use the day preparing for what seemed to him was inevitable. After fixing himself a hearty breakfast, Harold went online to peruse videos of the adult nature, hoping to catch a few tips. It was a day of learning for Harold. He viewed hours of footage and he studied every second of it. Living alone, he turned the volume of his speakers up. He wanted to be totally immersed in what he was watching.

The noise the videos were generating apparently was bothering his neighbor, who thought Howard was engaged in a rather loud session of love making. Incensed, the neighbor decided to give Howard a scare, pounding on his door. Naturally, Howard was not able to hear the knocks, which made the neighbor more irate.

Howard’s neighbor was a former police officer who had an affinity for collecting guns. His neighbor took a shotgun and decided to really make sure Howard’s racket ceased. Another forceful series of knocking went ignored, and the neighbor kicked the door to Howard’s small apartment in.

The surprised Howard turned and saw his neighbor with the shotgun, and the following incidents seemed to be too fast to process. Howard was taken over by either embarrassment of being caught watching videos or the angry armed man in his front door, and the only decision left to Howard it seemed was to jump out the window of his apartment, The fall from the second story broke Howard’ pelvis. His neighbor called for an ambulance, embarrassed for his outburst.

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