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Guy Swears Off His Urge To Download Porn Videos

For David, a life wherein he’s not able to download porn videos is an equivalent to life in hell. Online porn has been a huge part of his life ever since he’s stumbled unto the medium back in his schooling years. For him, it was as close to the feeling of obsession he could ever get. For porn, he had been shunned by family, he had turned his back on real lovers, and has turned off a few friends. He didn’t mind it one bit. He had found a little nook of happiness that he was never going to give up for any reason.

All that changed a few months ago, when he met her. For him, it was one of those turning points. A defining moment in which he ascertained that what had made him happy before was but a mere substitute until he found her. Porn was just something to close the gap, like that little sandwich people would have in between meals just to appease hunger.

Her name was Anna, and she was new. In every sense of the word. She was the new reception in the small office David had found himself working for two years, doing a job that would enable him to still enjoy his porn even during work hours. She was nothing like any other girl he had ever met. She amazed him on a level that no one and nothing else could, not even porn.

David pursued her with vigilance. They were hitting it off splendidly, and each knew that there was no other person that could be a matter match than they were for each other. There was just a small problem. Anna and her family, with their deeply rooted faith and rigid beliefs against pornography,, David had to make a choice. Things were going so well, until she had fiddled around his computer at his place and found gigabytes of downloaded smut. It was as if her mental image of the man she had quickly become so enamored with had suddenly diminished and was replaced by a pervert. Needless to say, she left him.

All the downloaded porn in the world could not make David crack a smile or even a grin. Hehad to make things right. So after several weeks of non-communication, David stood in front of Anna’s house, carrying the speakers playing their songs as loud as possible high above his head. When the girl opened a window and saw the smitten man’s gesture, she smiled with hesitation. David finished off by destroying the computer in front of her and going on a speech about how much she is loved. He had given up porn for her and destroyed his computer to win the girl.

Deleting the material would have sufficed, but not as romantic.

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