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Black Porn Movies Mark Equality in Adult Films

Back in the days of VHS and BETA tapes, adult film companies used to budget thousands of dollars into expensive production houses that were loathe to take risks on new genres that were unproven markets outside of the mainstream porn markets. As such, the demand for black porn movies was never given a chance to express itself, and black adult performers were marginalized in the Industry.

With the development of online porn, the world was exposed to the fabled size and girth of black men’s ‘utilities’, and black porn movies quickly emerged to expose the high demand in the ‘large cock’ genre. With performers that claimed 12” of hot ebony meat, the headlines grabbed consumer attention on the Internet, and a number of black adult stars have since then emerged as major stars on the Internet.

Black porn movies continue to play a major role in online adult entertainment, as genres such as ‘ebony’, ‘interracial’, and ‘big dicks’ continue to be large crowd draws online, and it all just goes to show the democratic nature of the Internet.

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