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Superhero Icons Equals Best Porn Ever

There’s nothing that Superman and Batman can’t do together. And it doesn’t go beyond anyone’s imagination that the world’s finest duo can make the world’s finest porn. Slap a sex scene between these two and you instantly have the best porn ever. To those who have seen the straight-to-DVD animated feature film entitled Superman/Batman: Public Enemies”, the possibly could not escape them.

Public Enemies is an animated adaptation of the comic book storyline that pits Superman and Batman against a host of both superheroes and super villains under the employ of then US President Lex Luthor. The comic book story arc featured great action and amazing art. It even had narrative balloons that offer insight to Superman’s and Batman’s thoughts. This gives the reader a unique perspective on each hero’s mutual respect for each other. What’s amazing is that through these narratives, the two completely different characters are put on a parallel that makes anyone able to relate to that kind of friendship.

The animated movie however, with its limitations, was not able to convey their humanity. So what you get is ninety minutes of two muscular men in tights staring at each other and conveying their mutual respect in a manner that can easily be misinterpreted to be something else. This would definitely inspire everyone with nothing but homoerotic thoughts. Throughout the movie, you just wait for them to drop the posing and start making out. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Spoiler alert though, they don’t.

But of course, the movie just opens floodgates in one’s mind. There is just literally a hundred images wherein Batman and Superman getting it on that surface in one’s mind. With Superman’s seemingly limitless powers and Batman’s intellect and arsenal of gadgets, there is nothing these two are not capable of. From vibrating batarangs to cumshots that are faster than a speeding bullet, there is nothing that could possibly top a Superman and Batman porn movie. Unless of course they manage to convince Wonder Woman to do a threesome. That would be the be all and end all of porn scenes. But hell, why limit it to the big three? Get the entire Justice League in there for a full blown orgy! Just the thought of the Martian Manhunter and Plastic Man shape-shifting into different sexual devices is already worth watching. And what will Aquaman bring to the table?

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