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Loyal Members of Best Pay Porn Sites To Enjoy Great Benefits

In the very competitive field of pay sites, today’s best pay porn sites are taking more aggressive marketing techniques to attract and retain loyal members. Many of these websites are now dishing out discount cards to many of their loyal members among other benefits. Aside from just lowered membership fees and access to a vast network of adult content, members from many adult sites are now entitled to various freebies.

T-shirts brandishing favorite porn trademarks are now being manufactured to allow members to walk around proudly declaring themselves as loyal patrons of particular porn sites. With the potential increase of members due to this non-traditional form of advertising, some porn sites also now provide certain rewards for referrals.

With the upcoming Holiday season, several companies are also giving out porn goodie bags to its loyal members. The goodie bags are reported to contain several high quality lubricants to maximize the enjoyment of porn viewing. For the more adventurous types, the package also includes a sex toy sampler kit that includes to vibrators of different sizes, sex rings and other surprises.

Some also feature a very special opportunity to appear in the site itself. Many fans have taken to this particular porn promo. The excitement generated of the possible fulfillment of long time dreams of participating in an actual porn production have caused an upward curve of new membership. Working in the same way as “meet and greet” promos from Tv and music personalities, many individuals are looking forward to not just meet ut work with their favorite porn performers.

“Competition is really fierce these days for a lot respectable porn companies” said online marketing specialist Darwin Krueger. “The competition doesn’t just come from other pay porn sites, but also with the open access of Internet material. Many porn lovers choose to view free material that can be easily downloaded or viewed in certain video streaming sites.”

While time will tell if these tactics would ensure the longevity of several pay porn sites, early signs indicate that people find the recent promos very inviting. The novelty items are in great demand.

“No matter how you cut it, people are always looking for great deals, and no one is going to turn down free stuff” added Krueger. “I myself have availed of these T-shirts that feature a girl with big ass tits, even though I can’t really wear it when I go to my kid’s PTA meetings.”

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