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Author Writes Journal of His Live Porn Escapades

Small time author Henry Arthur has written an in-depth journal chronicling his latest obsession, live porn. Arthur has been deeply engrossed with people performing live sex acts either in front of him or through the webcam, and some of those viewing sessions have affected Arthur in more ways than one. According to the author, the book would be how live porn has inspired him to take an objective look at his life, and the revelations he’d made while viewing complete strangers have sex.

Tentatively entitled “The Voyeur Looks Inward”, the book is an autobiographical piece that is tied together by numerous jaunts to live sex performers. Arthur’s interview revealed that his trips to online live sex videos and others are to satisfy a certain need. “It all started out back in 1998,and I was in one of these places where you pay for women to do stuff to themselves. That night, I as I watched, suddenly certain images from my life and particularly my childhood flashed in my mind. I went out of that bar with a deeper sense of clarity. It was then that I started writing journals.”

Arthur says that while he does not get “epiphanies” with every viewing, he would average a “vision” at two out of fives live sex sessions. ”It was really odd at first, how I could figure out certain tough situations in my life while in that position. I asked around about it, and most experts I’ve talked to told me that it was normal. Everyone has a certain place or activity that acts as positive stimuli and makes one think about certain things. I guess live sex is my number one stimuli.”

The book also illustrates how a guy like Arthur thinks and feels, and the author promises that it would be a true “window” to his soul. “I’ve always been a voyeur, ever since I was a young and I caught a glimpse of my neighbor’s parents getting it on through their bedroom window. This book I guess is my way of putting my self on the other end of the spectrum, and I did not hold anything back. This is me, all of me, and if readers like it, great. If not, I really wouldn’t mind. The book is essentially just me being honest, and I think that there’s too much pretension out there for me not to be.”

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