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America’s Next Top Porn Models In The Works

In the tradition of America’s Top Model, a major television network is in talks of producing a reality show that would feature the world’s best porn models for a chance at a career in mainstream film and television. The contest is proposed to span over 22 episodes and would select both male and female porn stars from different parts of the world. Currently, the producers are still trying to figure out which contestants would make the cut.

“We are trying to fit together 12 candidates that would look good together in front of the camera, even with their clothes on” said one of the producers of the proposed TV show. The producer has requested anonymity in an effort to keep the details of the project under wraps before the network gives the green light. He is, however, very optimistic. “It’s a show featuring porn stars. That in itself is ratings gold, my friend.”

A blogger who has stumbled upon rumors about the project has a lot less faith in the project as opposed to the enthusiastic producer. “There’s a very specific purpose for porn, and there is a very specific reason why people go and watch porn. I don’t think this show will be able to provide those reasons. Unless of course, it’s on HBO.”

The producers are now combing through various DVDs and websites looking for the perfect 12. The producer, after a few drinks, was more open to details. “We’re going to have them live in one house. Imagine the potential! These people are all so eager to break out of porn, that they’ll do anything. Plus, when the DVD comes out, it will be loaded with tons of extras featuring these hotties in private moments.”

Currently, the network has been reluctant to push through with the project, fearing a backlash from the audience. The producer was not fazed by this. “If they don’t like it, we’ll take the project to another network. But they’d be foolish not to grab at this opportunity. Remember, these are pornstars, in one house, getting into contests to attain a singular goal. It’s a guaranteed Emmy.”

Emmy or not, the conditions with which to release a brand new reality show seem to be ideal. With television being crammed with reality shows from numerous B-list celebrities, maybe a reality show featuring the biggest names in the adult industry may be the shot in the arm that network television needs.

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