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Amateur Adult Videos In The Form Of Superhero Sex Tapes?

The Justice League, the Avengers, the X-Men, Spiderman, Daredevil, The Hulk, all big names in mainstream pop culture as the top icons to ever spring forth from the comic book medium. They have faced many threats, but it is seldom, that these heroes are portrayed in a less than glamorous spotlight. It is rare that these revered icons are ever presented in lewd manner. This article dares to ask the question, what sort of amateur adult videos would we find our favorite superheroes in?

The X-Men are a group of heroes comprised of mutants that are shunned by humanity for being different. They are so outcast that one man decided to build a school exclusively for these genetically gifted and cursed beings. It would be most appropriate if they are presented in the same manner as those teacher student porn scenes. But with powers, of course. Would Beast cough up a fur ball as he goes down on an up and coming female mutant? Does Gambit ever accidentally charge up his condom?

The DC Universe is full of superheroes with young teen sidekicks. Everyone knows Batman and Robin have endured so many jokes questioning their relationship and sexuality, to the point that Batman had to get himself a son, who eventually turned into the latest Robin. Touching upon that subject would be beating a dead and buried horse. But what about the Leaguers who do not have any sidekicks to begin with? Does Green Lantern use his ring to conjure up sex toys? What sexually charged form will the Martian Manhunter change into while in the throws of passion?

Comics just doesn’t deal with issues like that, which is really weird. Everyone has always been wondering, form the moment they hooked up way back during the first coming of Galactus, about how the Thing and Alicia Masters ever do it. Even the Human Torch raised that same question. Or if The Hulk, during the times when he had the big green body yet the very smart brain of Banner, how does he deal with sexual urges, In the movie, it was shown that every time he gets aroused he could turn in the rampaging jade giant. Does the Hulk masturbate?

Writers have exerted a ton of effort over the decades to flesh out these superheroes to the point that their characteristics are as diverse as the people ou would find around you. And since there are different strokes for different folks, what kinds of strokes are for these superhuman folks? We may never know. Until then, these leotard clad beings’ sex lives are private.

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