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The AFI In Need Of Porn Models.

There are several rumors circulating that the Adult Film Industry (AFI) is trying to create stronger brand name recognition by unveiling a mascot that would symbolize the collective industry. They wanted a lovable character who everyone can relate to. It is said that they are now scouring for porn models to produce a representative for the entire skin flick industry. What’s incredible about the circulating rumors is that there are a good number of people who actually believe it’s a good idea.

“Imagine if we had something like the McDonald’s Golden Arches for the Adult Film Industry” said one independent porn producer. While the thought of being in a business that involves some of the silliest ideas on earth can be quite amusing to many, one has to admit that comparing the porn to a global fast food chain borders on a level of ridiculous that not even a porn writer (if they do exist) could possibly conjure up. “Don’t tell me you can’t imagine the golden arches with nipples on top” he added.

Whimsical thoughts aside, we sought out the opinion of those who truly matter in the subject: the audience. A recent poll churned out some very interesting, albeit disturbing, results.

“A guy with his thing inside a pizza box would be funny as hell” said a guy no one would definitely be ordering pizzas from.

“Maybe one of the popular porn stars could just act as a liaison for the porn industry, someone hot and with big boobs” suggested by a marketing major from a prestigious university. In all fairness, he would probably graduate with flying colors with an imagination like that.

“A pool boy and a warrior princess” said one correspondent.

“I’d like to see giant dick” said a man we were not quite sure was even aware of our question.

If the rumors are true, then one can conclude that the era of the skin flick carrying any sort of mystique and respect is truly dead. Dashed are hopes of the Adult Film Industry of ever obtaining what has seemed to be, for several years, one of their more potent goals, to be regarded as a craft with class. Of course, the AFI has never been an industry without humor, but honestly, is there an actual need for a mascot? When you already rake in millions upon millions of dollars even without any publicity utilized, it is safe to say that the AFI is doing good, even without the attention seeking stunts.

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