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Amateur Adult Websites Driven by Pros

No, I’m not talking about lame personal adult websites put up by pathetic wannabe pornstars featuring one girl doing her boyfriend in a bunch of contrived circumstances in the hopes of attracting a stream of monthly subscribed customers willing to pay $20 a month to watch her do her laundry nude. I’m talking about adult video websites like YourPorn and Orgasm.com that allow supposedly amateur members to post their own videos to the net just to show off their assets, or perhaps to get back at a spurned relationship partner. While it seems that at least some of these videos that are posted to these adult websites are authentic amateur productions, with just a little investigation, one will immediately notice that a majority of the contributed content serves as trailers or teasers to draw viewers to other subscription based adult video websites.

This means that while amateur driven adult websites may initially represent authentic ‘made for fun’ erotic videos, as they become increasingly popular, they become irresistible resources for established adult video websites to post imitation-amateur videos that are obviously shot using industry techniques and high-resolution cameras. For those of us who really enjoy the thrill of watching couples have sex just for the thrill or enjoyment, there is something lost in the experience when the serious professionals move in to occupy a web resource and milk it for their own commercial interests. It might sound silly to get sentimental about adult video websites, but I see the amateur-video revolution as a beautiful development in the world of liberated sexuality, and it’s sad to see it’s potential impact drowned out by the main market-driven players in the adult industry.

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