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Adult On Demand Emerges as Industry Preferred Distribution Model

The rise in prevalence of file sharing services that let users distribute often unlicensed versions of adult videos, as well as the emergence of amateur content drives sites such as YouPorn, has turned many adult content distributors to favor what is generally referred to as ‘Adult on Demand’, as providing adult videos on demand, rather than via direct download, can more effectively blocks users from illegally watching and then freely redistributing content that rightfully belongs to the studios.

Adult video on demand has been a concept that was somewhat limited by technological constraints, as it requires broadband connectivity to support its streaming media platform, but recent developments in technology, as well as the ubiquitous expansion of high-speed Internet connections, has made Adult on Demand a practical reality. By offering an adult video ‘on demand’, a distributor is able to show the adult material to a customer, without giving the customer the ability to store and redistribute this content at a later time.

Customers have accepted the adult on demand model as well, as it generally costs less than purchasing a complete DVD, and most services that provide adult video on demand allow for highly specific searches that allow users to identify their favorite performers or genres so that extended viewing of material beyond the need to pleasure one’s self are unnecessary- making the choice to watch adult videos on demand, an efficient as well as economic choice for your average porn aficionado.

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